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What is Kidz Aalam?
Kidz Aalam is the Toronto Shariah Program’s on-site childcare service, open to children from two to ten years of age. We aspire to make traditional Islamic education accessible to everyone, men as well as women with young children. Our on-site daycare enables parents to leave their children in the hands of qualified staff, while they study the sacred Shariah sciences only metres away! We hope to create a joyful Islamic environment through which our children will develop a positive image of themselves as Muslims, insha’Allah.
Why Volunteer at Kidz Aalam?
At Kidz Aalam, we’re always looking for ways of creating a better world for our children. Our volunteers are the helping hands that carve and shape in harmony with love towards the children. They interact and bond with the children, teaching them and learning from them. They are builders of a new childcare service. Kidz Aalam is an opportunity for volunteers to give and to grow.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“The best one among you is the more useful to the people” (Bayhaqi).
What is your Job as a Volunteer?
Volunteers work with children of various ages and at different developmental stages one-on-one as well as within groups. They are helping hands in our free learning environment as well as during our more structured activities. They play with the children, assist with planning and implementing the various arts and crafts, read to the children, sing Islamic songs during Sing-Along Circle Time, aid during snack, lunch, nap times, and help the staff set-up and clean-up. They may also be required to assist older children with their Qur’anic lessons. As compassionate and guiding stars, our volunteers are first and last, teachers.
“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today”
(Indian Proverb)
What Experience will the Volunteer Gain?
Insha’Allah, the experiences of our volunteers will enrich their lives. We hope that by teaching they will learn, and by giving they will gain and grow. High school students can also complete their 40 hours of community service. A certificate of appreciation will be awarded to those who successfully complete their service. Upon request, a letter of recommendation will be available for exceptional volunteers. Our volunteers make Kidz Aalam a better place, and make the Toronto Shariah Program possible for many parents. For this, may Almighty Allah shower them with His love and mercy in this life as well as in the hereafter. Ameen.
“O our Lord, accept (this service) from us.
Verily You and You (alone) are the hearer, the knower”
(Al-Qur’an, 2:127).
How do I Join?
Sign up to volunteer today! Email childcare@shariahprogram.ca
You can also print out this form
and fill it into return to us
For more information on the Toronto Shariah Program,
visit www.shariahprogram.ca.
© 2003 Toronto Shariah Program
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