There is a love
that is beyond comprehension
It's effects: immeasurable
It's impact: beyond the limit of time and space
And it changes the hearts and lives of untold numbers
It was the epoch and era of Umar, the second caliph of Islam. A handsome youth on a daily basis would proceed to the Masjid. He would pass by a house whose resident had fallen deeply in love with the pious youngster. Every day she would lure and tempt him towards her abode. Time after time he refused her invitations. But one day, he let his guards down and let the devil overcome him and proceeded to take a dangerous path towards zina. As he was walking towards her, the fear of standing before Allah and having to answer for this deadly, catastrophic and evil sin overtook him. Various verses of the Noble Quran flashed through his mind:
“And do not go near zina, it is a shameful act and an evil path to follow.? 17:32
“Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! They see (aright and do not commit the evil act)!?7:201
Only Allah knows best what was going through the handsome youth’s mind at that moment. The second of the two above mentioned verses kept on coming in front of his eyes, till eventually even before he reached her house, he fell down unconscious.
He was brought back home in that same motionless state. Upon regaining consciousness, his father asked him, “What happened son?" The son went on to narrate what had transpired earlier on in the day. Whilst narrating, when he reached the part where he was walking towards her, he recited
“Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! They see (aright and do not commit the evil act)!?o:p>
and passed out again. But this time the beloved of Allah does not awake from his sleep and leaves this temporary abode (Dunya), and moves on towards his everlasting abode (Jannah and paradise). His body is bathed and clothed in simple white shrouds and is peacefully laid to rest.
“From it (the earth) did We create you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.?20:55
When Umar Radhiallahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased him) is informed about the story of love and fear, he along with his companions, come to pay their respect to the deceased youngster and assuage the grief of the family members. The youngster’s father narrates the story in detail to all those who are present. That same moment, in the darkness of the night, Umar with his companions go and visit the youth’s grave and pray for him. Umar turns towards the grave and says, “O youngster!
“And for those who fear standing in front of their lord, will have two gardens.?55:46
The youngster replies from the grave (Allah can do whatever he wishes), “Allah has already granted me two gardens!" sigh
One lucky dude.
The concise version of the above story is mentioned under the commentary of 7:201 in the most renowned commentary of the Quran: Tafseer Ibn Katheer.
I can just picture the lucky youngster right now. (comment edited here after I realized I was a maulana :)
What would we do if we are tempted by the opposite gender? Every saint has a past and Every sinner has a future.
Assalaamu Alaikum brother,
Alhamdulillah, It's really surprising to see a kewl maulana who blogs...I felt sad and happy at t same time when I read the above story. I had never heard such one. Though I had heard a story of a young lady, a daughter of an ansari sahabi, who will kill a man, and leave the baby from him...thru which Umar Raliyullahu anhu will track down...masha allah..that was a story to admire Umar raliyullah anhu's blessed wisdom, masha allah. I ll keep coming here..masha allah ur kid's photo is so cute, that which brought me from google to here!!
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