Intense Arabic in small classes - Private tutoring in learning Arabic
was a student of the Full-Time Intensive Shariah Program for four
months starting from mid-February to mid-June of 2004. I would like
to briefly highlight a few things about the program based on my
personal experiences.
the greatest amount of beneficial learning attained in the shortest
period of time is the scale or standard by which to judge all Arabic
institutions, then according to this yardstick I would definitely
have to say that the Shariah Program ranks among the foremost in all
of North America. And based on what I’ve heard from others the
Shariah Program rivals and in many cases supplants other well-known
Arabic institutions in the Middle East. Due to the small number of
students in each class and the pleasant and interactive personality
of the head instructor, the student can feel the benefits of private
tutoring and yet at the same time enjoy the benefits of being in the
company of other students.
for the curriculum itself, it revolves around the standard 1st
year curriculum of the renowned Dars Nizami syllabus widely used in
madrasahs across the world. So the obvious benefit here is that the
ambitious ‘talib al-din’ can use this program as a vital
stepping-stone in directly placing himself/herself into the 2nd
year of the Dars Nizami program at a recognized madrasah if he/she
chooses to do.
course moves at an extremely fast-pace so I would highly recommend
that the diligent student is prepared to put in his/her due effort in
order to truly reap the fruits of this program, which at times can be
difficult depending on one’s motivation and circumstance.
Another added benefit of the program is the setting and environment.
Anyone who has been to Toronto will tell you that the Muslim
community there is extremely dedicated and devoted to the Din. Such
an atmosphere will evidently nurture and bolster one’s studies
in the program, which is something that cannot be said about taking
Arabic courses taught by non-muslim instructors on college campuses
primarily in the West. Not to mention the significant cost
difference between the Shariah Program and the ridiculous tuition
rates in many private universities where Arabic is taught. If one is
financially able and has the means and the motivation to learn Arabic
in the land of the Arabs, then this would obviously be ideal. As one
can learn Arabic grammar (Nahw), verb morphology (Sarf), along with
balagha (eloquence), and conversational Arabic more easier in an
Arabic speaking environment. But if one does not have the means to
do this, then as mentioned above, the Shariah Program does an
excellent job and is a foremost leader in teaching Nahw and Sarf to
students in a relatively short period of time, provided the student
is dedicated to his studies.
only thing I would urge is that potential student secures/confirms
his/her accommodations (apt., food, roommate, etc.) before arriving
to the venue in order to prevent any distractions and wasting of time
once the program gets started.
in all, I personally would highly recommend this program to any
student who has a desire to learn Nahw/Sarf from a talented staff in
a relatively short period of time. One can easily learn the
essentials of Arabic grammar along with the Adab (etiquette) of how
sacred knowledge has traditionally been learned through this program.
Wa as-Salam `ala man
ittaba`a al-Huda,
T.N. Khan
Now formally registering for the 2009 Online Arabic Foundations Program
Course content, goals and methods can be accessed from the Curriculum page.
Click here for first semester syllabus (March 21, 2009-June 21, 2009).
The first week's content has been placed on our samples page. Please visit the Samples Audio Page and download the content for free.
You can view details regarding costs, exact timings, and hours of instruction etc. on our Online Arabic Courses page.
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