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Arabic Course Reviews

Arabic Course Reviews — Shariah Program Testimonials

Learning Arabic full time - The benefits of full-time study

I will begin by saying that the benefits of learning Arabic full-time just have no substitute. The nature of the science demands that it be studied in a full time capacity. Attempting to learn Arabic part-time should only be done when absolutely necessary. The language is the medium by which our creator chose to deliver to us the miracle known as the Quran. Given the frivolous amount of time we spend pursuing degrees and other objectives, it is a small sacrifice to spend even ¼ of that time to learn Arabic. And whenever there is an opportunity to learn in a country that has few opportunities, we should delve wholeheartedly into the affair.

I was a student in the full time and part time programs. I spent almost 2 months in the part time weekend classes before concentrating on the full time course. Being in both courses simultaneously gave me a unique perspective to see the benefits of each. The part time weekend classes are a great option for people that have limited time and many commitments.

But, to learn Arabic, and properly learn the grammar and morphology, the full time course is highly effective. The main teaching method employed is that of repetition. The student will see the material over and over. Even someone who is not very bright is bound to catch on! The instructor also explains the concepts in a concise and lucid manner. The added benefit is that the grammar is being learned directly through Arabic resources. The other benefit is a small class. This allows for individual attention and allows no one to fall behind. By the end of 6 months, a dedicated, hard working, consistent student, will have the tools necessary to read voweless texts. After that, it is simply a matter of building vocabulary and exposure to different writing styles. The material also is not watered down. The sciences are taught to completion. Why spend 1.5-2 years learning something that can be learned in half the time. After completing the course, the student should be able to continue his studies wherever he chooses. I do not know of any other program in North America that is comparable in terms of content and instructor qualification. That is why I chose to come here from the states. I would stress that learning Arabic in general is challenging. The rapid, frantic, and sometimes chaotic pace may be difficult for some to handle. People who want to learn Arabic to order a falafel sandwich should definitely look elsewhere. The success of any course will ultimately come down to individual effort. However, taking this course to learn Arabic will definitely equip a serious student with the skills to start comprehending the language.

Omar Husain

Now formally registering for the 2009 Online Arabic Foundations Program

  • Course content, goals and methods can be accessed from the Curriculum page.
  • Click here for first semester syllabus (March 21, 2009-June 21, 2009).
  • The first week's content has been placed on our samples page. Please visit the Samples Audio Page and download the content for free.
  • You can view details regarding costs, exact timings, and hours of instruction etc. on our Online Arabic Courses page.
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