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![]() ![]() Now Registering for March 2009 - Learn Arabic Online! Hajj The Fifth Pillar of Islam by Shaykhul Hadeeth Muhammad ZakariyyaIbne Abbas radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said "Whoever desires to perform hajj, should hasten towards performing it." (This hadeeth encourages the performing of hajj as soon as is possible after having made sincere intentions towards it , as was said by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.) In another hadeeth it has been stated: "Hasten to perform your obligatory hajj, for one knows not what shall happen (to prevent it)." (Targheeb) In one hadeeth it is stated: "Make haste to perform hajj, because one knows not what lies ahead. Perchance illness may overtake you or some other necessity (may demand your attention)." (Kanz) In one hadeeth it is stated: "Hajj should be performed before nikaah." In a further hadeeth it is also said: "Whoever has to perform hajj should do so in haste, for a sickness may overtake him, or his means of conveyance may become unavailable, or some other necessity may prevent his departure." (Kanz) In view of these ahaadeeth, the majority of Imams from among the Imams of Fiqh, are of the opinion that hajj should be performed at the first opportunity after it becomes obligatory on a person. Should one delay, then he is a sinner. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reported to have said further: "perform hajj, it holds twenty times more reward than jihaad." (Kanz) In one hadeeth it is stated: "To perform hajj is to make jihaad and to perform umrah is to make nafl." (Kanz) Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "Whoever set forth on a journey to perform hajj and passes away en route for him shall be written the reward of a hajj until the day of Qiyaamah; and whoever sets forth to perform umrah and passes away en route, for him shall be written the reward of a mu'tamir until Qiyaamah; and whoever sets forth on a journey to fight in the way of Allah and passes away en route, for him shall be written the reward of a mujaahid until the day of Qiyaamah." Such is the reward of hajj. We look at two further ahaadeeth in this respect. In Targheeb we read: "When a person sets forth to perform hajj or umrah and passes away en route, he shall not be brought (before Allah) for judgement, nor will he have to give account. It shall be said to him: 'Enter into paradise'." (Targheeb) In other hadeeth it is stated: "The House of Allah is one of the Pillars of Islaam. Whoever sets forth from his house to perform hajj or umrah and dies on the way, shall enter paradise ; and whoever returns after having performed it, returns with great reward and wealth." Wealth here means that he shall in this world be reimbursed with that which he spent. In one hadeeth it is stated: "Whoever passes away on the way to Makkah for hajj or on the way back shall not be brought forth for judgement, nor shall he be reckoned with." (Targheeb) In one hadeeth it is stated : "Whoever passes away en route to Makkah for hajj or umrah, shall not be judged, neither shall he be reckoned with. He shall directly enter paradise." (Kanz) In one hadeeth it is stated :"The best manner for a person in which to die is when he dies after having completed his hajj or after fasting during Ramadhaan." (Kanz) In both these cases he dies having been cleansed from sin. In one hadeeth it is stated: "Whoever passes away while in ihraam, shall rise up from his grave on the day of Qiyaamah, reciting Labbayk." Abu Umaamah radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "Whoever fails to perform hajj while not being prevented from it by a definite and valid necessity, or by oppression from unjust ruler, or by severe illness, and then passes away (dies) without performing hajj he has the choice to die as a Jew, if he so wishes, or as Christian if he so wishes." The same type of hadeeth is reported by Umar radhiyallahu anhu wherein it is thrice mentioned: "He has the choice to die as Jew if he so wishes or as a Christian." In another report from Umar radhiyallahu anhu it is said that " Whoever has the means to perform hajj and does not do so, then you can swear (by Allah) that he has died as Christian or as a Jew." (Kanz) Note: It is possible that this is Umar radhiyallahu anhu's own opinion. The ulama are agreed that not performing hajj while being able to do so, does not make one a kaafir. Kufr only establishes itself on a denial of it. Here I wish to add another saying by Umar radhiyallahu anhu: I would like to announce in all the towns under Islaam that whoever has the means, yet does not go to perform hajj, should be forced to pay jizya, because he is not a muslim." (jizya is a tax which the Muslim ruler takes from a non-Muslim inhabitants of an Islaamic country. It is never taken from a Muslim). Women in Islam | Sufism - Islamic Mysticism | Islamic Jihad | Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) | Islamic History | Prayer in Islam | Islamic Marriage | Fasting in Ramadan | Eat Halal Foods | Worshipping Allah | Quran - Muslim Holy-book | Hajj - Pilgrimage in Islam | Islam - Fastest Growing Religion | Children in Islam | Islamic Finance | Conversion to Islam | Islam - Unseen | Biographies of Islamic Personalities | Myths about Islam |