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Hajj - The Blessed Pilgrimage to Mecca, Hajj transcends skin colour, love and compassion it teaches, not hate, racism and war!
Hajj - A Pillar of Islam, a once in a lifetime journey of self-discovery and spiritual reform. Learn more about the amazing journey which, if performed correctly, returns us to our sinless new-born baby state.
Perform Hajj The Fifth Pillar of Islam by Shaykhul Hadeeth Muhammad Zakariyya Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "Whoever set forth on a journey to perform hajj and passes away en route for him shall be written the reward of a hajj until the day of Qiyaamah; and whoever sets forth to perform umrah and passes away en route, for him shall be written the reward of a mu'tamir until Qiyaamah; and whoever sets forth on a journey to fight in the way of Allah and passes away en route, for him shall be written the reward of a mujaahid until the day of Qiyaamah." "Hajj The Fifth Pillar of Islam by Shaykhul Hadeeth Muhammad Zakariyya" read more >>>
The Virtues of Hajj by Shaykhul Hadeeth Muhammad Zakariyya In this Hadeeth under discussion, three things are mentioned. In the first place we read that Hajj should be for Allah's sake, and that there should be no worldly object and no ulterior motive prompting this holy deed, neither should it be for the show of things, nor for personal fame. Many people proceed to Makkah for the sake of personal honour and show. Such people have indeed wasted whatever they have spent by way of wealth, health and energy. For them there shall be no reward. We admit that when a person has performed his Hajj even for the sake of showing others, his obligation has been carried out. But how foolish it is indeed that a person should deny himself such great virtue and reward (in the form of Allah's great pardon) merely because of his desire to be noted among some people. "The Virtues of Hajj by Shaykhul Hadeeth Muhammad Zakariyya" read more >>>
Women in Islam |
Sufism - Islamic Mysticism |
Islamic Jihad |
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) |
Islamic History |
Prayer in Islam |
Islamic Marriage |
Fasting in Ramadan |
Eat Halal Foods |
Worshipping Allah |
Quran - Muslim Holy-book |
Hajj - Pilgrimage in Islam |
Islam - Fastest Growing Religion |
Children in Islam |
Islamic Finance |
Conversion to Islam |
Islam - Unseen |
Biographies of Islamic Personalities |
Myths about Islam